Monday, June 14, 2010

Manhattan 2010 Civil Court County-wide Races

Here is the latest on the candidates for the 2010 New York County Democratic Party County-wide Civil Court seats. Sabrina Bebe Kraus, who was considering running for a County-wide Civil Court vacancy in Manhattan, announced at a joint meeting of the Ansonia Independent Democrats and the Park-River Independent Democrats that she is not a candidate. [She subsequently sent a letter to this effect to all the district leaders.]

Verena Celestene Powell was also considering jumping in the race; but, in an Email on June 4th, she said that "[she] is not running this year."

Businessman and solo practitioner (immigration, L&T, discrimination cases) Richard Realmuto, from Washington Heights, told us that he is running for the County-wide Civil Court vacancy number 4, the same seat County-endorsed David Benjamin Cohen is seeking. Matthew Frederic Cooper, standing for re-election, and Leticia Maria Ramirez are running unopposed for County-wide seats vacancy numbers 3 and 5 respectively.


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