Bring May Flowers
[Events which request a contribution are indicated by a dollar sign.]
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1st May, 2011, Super Sunday. Choose Wisely.
It's May Day. Also Law Day featuring John Adams, our Nation's first lawyer-President.
Three Parks Independent Democrats, Inc.
1 P.M. to 4 P.M.
Cafe Frida, 768 Amsterdam Ave. (betw. 97th & 98th Sts.)
Info.: (212) UNiversity 6 - 63.78. $
Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club
1 P.M. to 4 P.M.
The Yale Club, 50 Vanderbilt Ave. (across from G.C.T.)
Info.: (212) MUrray Hill 7 - 68.74. $
Gramercy-Stuyvesant Independent Democrats
1 P.M. to 5 P.M.
Capucine's, 327 Second Ave. (@ E. 19th Street)
Info.: ORegon 3 - 83.16. $
Downtown Independent Democrats
3 P.M. to 6 P.M.
125 Greene Street - Chez Sweeney #5 (betw. Houston & Prince Sts.)
Info.: (212) 460+88.44. $
Broadway Democrats
3 P.M. to 6 P.M.
Campo, 2888 Broadway (betw. 112th & 113th Sts.)
Info.: (917) 757+60.58. $ [not a contribution, but a straight, taxable admission]
Ansonia Independent Democrats
7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Josephina's, 1900 Broadway (betw. 63rd & 64th Sts.)
Info.: (212) SChuyler 4 - 91.96. $
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4th May, 2011, Wednesday 6:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. Fund-raiser for Eric Tradd Schneiderman. The Plaza - Edwardian Room, 770 Fifth Avenue (enter on W. 58th Str.). Info.: (212) 238+32.70. $
4th May, 2011, Wednesday, 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Fund-raiser for Scott Stringer. Taj Lounge, 48 West 21st Str. (betw. 5th & 6th Aves.). Info.: (212) DIgby 9 - 20.13. $
5to de Mayo, 2011, el jueves desde las 6 de la tarde hasta las 8 de la noche. El <Concerned Democratic Coalition> se celebrara El Cinco de Mayo. Malcolm X Center, 3940 B'way, esq. de la calle 165 oeste. Info., llame a 212+567+55.87. $
5th May, 2011, Thursday, 6 P.M.-on. Gay & Lesbian Ind. Dems. fund-raiser. Brazilian Platforma restaurant, 316 West 49th Str. in Hell's Kithen. $
7th May, 2011, Saturday, 5 P.M. until 11 P.M. Brooklyn Museum of Art's First Saturday Night. Info.: Link to:
Cynthia Doty
11th May, 2011, Wednesday, 8:30 A.M. Breakfast with State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. Stroock, Stroock, & Lavan; 180 Maiden La., 38th fl. conference rm. Info.: Must call Margaret Provenzano at (212) 806+57.53.
12th May, 2011, Thursday, at 6 P.M. Asian-American Bar Assn. programme on Asian-American jurists. N.Y.C.L.A. , 14 Vesey Str. (betw. B'way & Church Str.).
12th May, 2011, Thursday, 6 to 9 P.M. Village Independent Democrats, Inc., fund-raiser. Village Lobster & Crab House, 225 Varick Str. @ Clarkson Str. (n. of Houston Str.). Info.: (212) 741+29.94. $
12th May, 2011, Thursday, 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. Lenox Hill Democratic Club fund-raiser at The Players, 16 Gramercy Park South (E. 20th Str., east of Park Ave.). Info.: (917) 331+61.90. $
15th May, 2011, Sunday. Lower Manh. Dems., 176 B'way - Apt. #14B $
15th May, 2011, Sunday, 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. Jim Owles Dem. Club fund-raiser at Elmo Restaurant, 156 Seventh Ave. (betw. 19th & 20th Sts). Info.: (212) 741+36.77. $
16th May, 2011, Monday, 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. Joint open house of City Councilwoman Gale Brewer and State Senator Adriano Espaillat at the district office, 563 Columbus Ave. (at W. 87th Str.). Info.: (212) TRafalgar 3 - 02.82.
17th May, 2011, Tuesday, 8:30 A.M. to 10 A.M. Cyrus Vance fund-raiser. Sheraton New York, 811 Seventh Ave. (W. 53rd Str.). Info.: Katrina Pence at (212) 486+01.94. $
19th May, 2011, Thursday. Stonewall Democratic Club fund-raiser. $
22nd May, 2011, Sunday, 3 to 6 P.M. Audubon Dem. Club fund-raiser. Chez Rothschild, 800 Riverside Dr. (Apt. #1-J) @ W. 158th Str. $
23rd May, 2011, Monday, 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. Carolyn Maloney fund-raiser. The Roosevelt Hotel, 45 East 45th Street (off Mad. Ave.). Info.: Jamie Ansorge at (212) 987+55.16. $
26th May, 2011, Thursday, at 5 o'clock P.M. N.Y.C.L.A. Annual Meeting. St. Paul's Church, Broadway & Vesey Street.
26th May, 2011, Thursday, 6:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. New York Civic presents "Cleaning Up Corruption--Politics & Ethics in N.Y.C." N.Y.C. Department of Investigation Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn, Assemblymember Micah Kellner, Huffington Post N.Y.C. editor Dan Collins, and more special guests for a substantive exploration of the ethics reform debate currently raging in Albany and a discussion of what conduct we should realistically and ideally expect from our elected officials in New York City and New York State.
Calvary Baptist Church, 123 W. 57th Str., Manh. Info.: (212) LOngacre 4 - 44.41.
This information is supplied as a public service, and does not necessarily comprise an endorsement of the identified activity, candidate, charity, club, meeting, organization, or topic. All information is believed to be accurate as of the original publication date of this posting.