Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bobby Berlin 1932--2012

           Long-time Democratic political operative and campaign manager for many, "Bobby" Berlin died Friday, 26th October, 2012, of heart failure.
        Funeral scheduled for this Wednesday, 31st October, 2012,  at 10:00 A.M. (family will be receiving at 9:30 A.M.), Riverside Memorial Chapel, Amsterdam Ave. between W. 75th and W. 76th Streets, Manhattan.  Shiva afterward from 2 to 6 P.M., 140 West 79th Str. - Apt. 8B chez Cole.        

        Bobby was most proud of her pro bono work in helping to elect qualified judges to the bench.
        Elaine Roberta "Bobby" Berlin, 3 Sept. 1932 -- 26 Oct. 2012, dead at the age of eighty.


Published in The New York Times on 28th October, 2012:

 BERLIN--Bobby. Fierce Upper West Side Democratic activist Bobby Berlin, who was most proud of her efforts to help reform the Manhattan Judiciary, passed away peacefully on October 26. She freely donated her time, unparalleled wisdom and expertise to elect many highly qualified judges. She is survived by her brother Herbert, daughter Christina, son-in-law Robert, grandchildren Lauren and Lisa, niece Shoshana, nephew Robbie and many friends from government, politics and her community. She was predeceased by her longtime companion Joe. Funeral Services will be held at 10am on Monday, October 29 [Changed to Wed. - Ed.] at Riverside Memorial Chapel, 180 West 76th Street. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to World Wildlife Fund, Alzheimer's Association or Planned Parenthood.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

McGovern Dies in Sioux Falls Hospice

         George McGovern, the United States senator who won the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 1972 but lost to President Richard M. Nixon and was an opponent of the Vietnam War and a champion of liberal causes, died this morning, Sunday, at 90 in a Sioux Falls, S.D., hospice at 5:15 a.m.





Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Congressman Nadler Speaks Tonight on Manhattan's Upper West Side


     Tonight, Wednesday, October 10, 2012, ["Double Ten" Day:  Founding of the Chinese Nationalist Republic by Sun Yat-sen with the overthrow of the last emperor, 10-10-1911.], Jerrold Nadler, M.C., will discuss President Obama's re-election campaign and the Democrats' efforts to re-take the House of Representatives.
8 o'clock P.M., Upper West Side Obama campaign office at 2689 Broadway between W. 102nd & W. 103rd Sts. (west side of Broadway).  All welcome.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Oктябрь Events

5th October, 2012, Friday, 8:15 A.M. Have a conversation with N.Y. County District Attorney Cyrus Vance. New York Law School's CityLaw's breakfast series. 185 West Broadway (betw. Worth and Leonard Sts.), Manhattan. Free.

6th October, 2012, Saturday, 5 o'clock P.M. on. The Brooklyn Museum of Art's First Saturday Night. Subway, 7th Ave. B'way IRT exp. #2 and #3 to Eastern Parkway, and you exit right at the entrance. Free.

[MTK (more to come)]

This information is supplied as a public service, and does not necessarily comprise an endorsement of the identified activity, candidate, charity, club, meeting, organization, or topic. All information is believed to be accurate as of the original publication date of this posting.