Selected Events (July 2010)
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26th July, 2010, Monday, from six to eight post meridian. New York Civic's Mid-summer "net-working" event at Mike O'Neal's 79th Str. Boat Basin Café on the River Hudson. (You do have to pay for your drinks; try the hamburgers.)
29th July, 2010, Thursday, 5:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. Three Parks Ind. Dems. "pot-luck" picnic in Central Park. The pond in the Park @ W. 103rd Str. off C.P.W. All welcome. Kindly bring comestibles or potables to share.
Advance Sheets:
6th August, 2010, Friday, 7 P.M. till. Martin Luther King Jr. Dem. Club fund-raiser. Cathedral Parkway Towers Plaza, 125 W. 109th Str. (betw. Amst. & Col. Aves.), Manh. (212) RIverside 9 - 1100 $
25th August, 2010, Wednesday, 2 to 4 P.M. O.C.A. mandatory judicial campaign ethics training for all individuals seeking State-paid elective judicial office. Their campaign staff may also attend. N.Y. State Supreme Court, 60 Centre Str., Manh. Info.: (212) HAnover 8 - 25.99.
27th August, 2010, Friday, 8 A.M. City Law break-fast. Judith Kaye on juvenile justice: "Now is the Moment." New York Law School, 185 W. B'way (betw. Worth & Leonard).
7th September, 2010, Tuesday. New York County Regular Democratic Organization cocktail party. $
11th September, 2010, Saturday, starting at 11:30 A.M. N.A.A.C.P. Mid-Manhattan Branch's annual luncheon at Marina del Rey in the Throgs Neck section of The Broncks. Info.: (212) RIverside 9 -23.23. $
12th September, 2010, Sunday. Park-River Ind. Dems. fund-raiser. O'Neal's 79th Str. Boat Basin restaurant. $
14th September, 2010, Tues. Democratic Primaryelection.
This information is supplied as a public service, and is not an endorsement of the identified activity, candidate, charity, club, meeting, organization, or topic. All information is believed to be accurate as of the original publication date of this posting. E. & o.e.